A new year is here, raise your glass and cheer!
I'm sad to see the holidays end but I'm very happy that 2015 is here. I'm ready for a fresh start and a chance to create new goals for myself. Of course you don't need the calendar to read January 1st to make new goals and take stock in your life but I think we all find it a little more motivating. January 1st is the beginning of a clean slate... 365 days, 365 chances. Of course one of the goals on top of my list (I say goals and not resolutions because that word has a bit of a cliche connotation and majority of people "break" their resolutions) is to make fitness and healthy eating a more consistent part of my life. Isn't that on top of every one's list? I've put together my plan for the next 6 weeks and now I just have to execute it. I find if you make short term plan it feels less daunting and it is easier to achieve. Another goal is to turn off the mindless TV and read more. It's far too easy to watch another repeat of "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" and before you know it you've wasted that tiny bit of free time you have. And when I say "read more" I don't mean trashy novels that add no value to your life and are pretty much the same as watching mindless TV shows. There is a time and place for those type of fluff books (lying by the pool or on the beach or to wind down after a long day) and there is certainly nothing wrong with reading them. But our free time is so limited and I want to make the most of it - to enhance my life and spark my mind. I'd also like to add the weekend newspaper to my reading list and become a more educated and well spoken person. I know far too much about what is happening in celebrities lives and less about what is going on with the rest of the world. That needs to change in 2015. Tell me what are some of your new goals for 2015? And before you go click on the Flipagram photo above and watch all my fashionable photos from 2014!
Happy new year and thank you for all the love & support in 2014! I look forward to bringing you more fashion and lifestyle posts this year.
Deanna xo