Well it's no secret I love the combination of blush and grey, especially in my fitness fashion. Hey when you feel good in your workout gear it's that extra push to get to the gym or that hot yoga class you kind of dread but love afterwards.
Today is day 42 of my #100DaysToSummer fitness challenge and it marks nearly 6 straight weeks of workouts. If you follow my daily posts on my fitness instagram account here you know that I change up my workout everyday... whether I am running by the lake, hitting the gym or getting my Pilates on at my favourite local studio, Retrofit Pilates. I am so proud of myself for making daily exercise a habit and something I now crave & actually look forward to! My jeans are getting looser and my body is starting to tone up. They always say it takes at least 12 weeks for the world to notice weight loss and fitness results. I can't wait to see the full results by the end of the 100 days! Have an awesome, healthy weekend!
Today is day 42 of my #100DaysToSummer fitness challenge and it marks nearly 6 straight weeks of workouts. If you follow my daily posts on my fitness instagram account here you know that I change up my workout everyday... whether I am running by the lake, hitting the gym or getting my Pilates on at my favourite local studio, Retrofit Pilates. I am so proud of myself for making daily exercise a habit and something I now crave & actually look forward to! My jeans are getting looser and my body is starting to tone up. They always say it takes at least 12 weeks for the world to notice weight loss and fitness results. I can't wait to see the full results by the end of the 100 days! Have an awesome, healthy weekend!
Deanna xo